As a member-owner of Arrowhead Cooperative, you are also an owner of the cooperative. As an owner, you have a voice in the operation of our organization. Through attendance at the Annual Meeting and the election of Directors, you help set the future direction of our Cooperative. Be informed about your Cooperative and have your voice be heard!
As member-owners, all Arrowhead Electric members are invited to participate in the cooperative’s Annual Meeting. Arrowhead Cooperative’s Annual Meeting is typically held in the month of June. The Annual Meeting provides members with information about the cooperative’s growth, financial health, board election, and programs available to members. In addition to the annual meeting, which is officially required by our bylaws, we also host member information and appreciation events throughout the year.
2024 Annual Meeting
Join us to hear from your co-op leaders who will discuss priorities for the Cooperative, challenges we face, our financial health, and operational plans for the coming years. In addition, members will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain helpful information about the electric industry and the Cooperative. As a member of our community, you have a valuable perspective––and we invite you to share it with the co-op.
Arrowhead Cooperative Annual Meeting
3:00 p.m. Registration
3 – 4 p.m. Reception
4:00 p.m. Annual Membership Meeting Call to Order;
- Roll Call
- Reading of the Notice of the Annual Meeting
- Consider 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Acknowledgement of Tellers
- Last Call for Ballots
- Election of Directors
- Reports of Board and Management
- Results of Election
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Adjourn
Members are encouraged to bring a non-perishable item for the Cook County Food Shelf. In lieu
of food items, monetary donations may be made payable to the Cook County Food Shelf