Integrated Vegetation Management Program


An essential part of providing safe, reliable service at a reasonable cost is the establishment and maintenance of a clear power line corridor.

Our mission is built around providing reliable electric service to our members. An important part of making that possible is utilizing an integrated vegetation management program to clear right of way.

Trees are the #1 cause of power outages.

Trees can add tremendous value to our homes and communities. Besides being a source of beauty in our landscapes they provide food and shelter for wildlife, cooling for our homes, cleansing of our air and a multitude of other benefits. However, trees growing near power lines present some real challenges. Each year, Arrowhead Cooperative crews do a visual inspection of our power lines to identify areas where tree clearing or trimming may be needed.

Right of way (ROW) refers to a strip of land underneath or around power lines that electric utilities have the right and responsibility to keep clear. The work we do with integrated vegetation management helps keep outages and blinks to a minimum, reduces the potential for the public to come in contact with electric lines, and helps line crews access the line for maintenance and outage restoration.

Scheduled Maintenance Cycles

We have found that performing routine tree and brush management work is the most effective for keeping power lines clear of hazards. Our service territory is divided up into 5 zones and each zone is on a multi-year maintenance cycle. Mechanical work includes tree removal, pruning, and clearing of brush.

In 2024 clearing is scheduled for the Colvill, Maple Hill, & Devil Track areas.

Typically, the second growing season after the clearing, we treat the re-sprouting brush in the corridors using selective herbicide treatments. We take the health of our environment and community seriously and the herbicide applications Arrowhead Cooperative uses during this phase are fully compliant with all Environmental Protection Agency regulations and will be applied by licensed professionals. It’s important to note that inhibiting the regrowth of the fast-growing woody vegetation is not only the most effective way to maintain the right-of-way for a longer period of time, but it is also intended to promote the establishment of low growing native species such as grasses, wildflowers, blueberries, and more. 

For 2024, Arrowhead has established a partnership with Friest Tree Experts, LLC, dba Upper Plains Aviation, for our targeted herbicide treatment initiative. The application is slated for the Hovland area starting in July. Friest Tree Experts will be utilizing a drone for the herbicide application. Additional details regarding the herbicide application can be accessed through the provided links below:

Please note: Prior to either initial clearing or herbicide spraying, you will be notified of work being done in your area.

Unscheduled Maintenance

Throughout the year, we perform routine line patrol to ensure the system is working as safely and efficiently as possible. During this line patrol, we often find areas in our service territory that have been affected by storms, dead or dying trees, and those that have grown faster than expected. Trees posing a high risk of affecting the near-by power lines will be recorded to be removed at a later date.

Why Some Trees Need To Be Removed

Fast-growing, tall trees (such as aspen, birch, willows, and balsam fir) located near or directly under primary wires can cause repeated outages. These trees have to be removed for safety and reliability purposes.

How Much Clearance Is Needed?

Trimming seeks to obtain a minimum of five years of clearance. How much clearance is needed depends on the voltage of the wires. With high voltage wires, clearance from the tree to power lines is 40 feet on a three phase line or 30 feet on a single phase line. For secondary and service wire, which are lower voltage, the clearance from the tree to power lines is 10 feet.

Questions or Concerns

If you have questions or need more information on out Integrated Vegetation Management Program, please contact us at (800) 864-3744.

For more information about Integrated Vegetation Management Programs: