Arrowhead Cooperative included in the FCC RDOF funding announcement
WASHINGTON, October 7, 2021—The FCC today announced that it is ready to authorize $163,895,636 to 42 providers in the second round of funding for new broadband deployments through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. The Commission is also continuing its work to refocus the program to
ensure that funding goes to unserved areas that need broadband. As part of that process, 85 winning bidders have chosen not to pursue buildout in 5,089 census blocks in response to letters the FCC sent asking applicants to review their bids in areas where there was evidence of existing service or
questions of potential waste.
“More help is on the way to households without broadband,” said FCC Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “This is an important program for getting more Americans connected to high-speed internet, and we are continuing careful oversight of this process to ensure that providers meet their obligations to deploy in areas that need it.”
In this funding wave, 42 broadband providers will bring fiber-to-the-home gigabit broadband to
approximately 65,000 locations in 21 states over the next 10 years. The Commission continues to closely review long-form applications of other winning bidders that were previously announced to ensure they meet the technical, financial, and operational capabilities to comply with program
After a long and exhaustive review of Arrowhead Cooperatives application, Arrowhead received confirmation from the FCC that we would be receiving funding, as of October 7, 2021.
It is with great excitement for our community that we share this incredible news. What started as a concept among community leaders as far back as the mid 2000’s, has become a reality for all of us and Arrowhead will now be installing fiber to the more remote areas of our community that have no utilities present. An opportunity that we are proud to lead.
This funding is set up over a 10-year time period. Arrowhead’s goal is to have the infrastructure installed in 6 years, provided materials and skilled workers are available. Arrowhead will be installing approximately 20 – 25 miles of facility per year over the next 6 years, hopefully starting before fall, 2022. We have many hours of preparation ahead of us and our staff is excited to bring fiber to new members of the cooperative.
We ask for patience from our community as we develop, share, and execute the plans with all involved. We understand how important this is and will do our very best to move safely and efficiently.